Who’s Who …
Realising our ambitions for Bairns’ Hoose is a team effort, here are some of the people involved in the journey.
Bairns’ Hoose is a crosscutting and ambitious policy area. It is supported by three Ministers whose portfolios cover justice, children and families, and health; this helps to ensure that opportunities and challenges specific to these areas are considered in the development of Bairns’ Hoose.

Minister for Children and Young People and Keeping The Promise Natalie Don MSP

Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport Maree Todd MSP

Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown MSP
National Bairns’ Hoose Implementation Group
We are establishing a National Bairns’ Hoose Implementation Group (NBHIG) to reflect the delivery-focused phase of the programme. The NBHIG will be an opportunity to engage the key delivery partners (including Pathfinder and Affiliate partnerships) in the work of the programme to inform the future development and plans for implementing Bairns’ Hoose in Scotland.
The Scottish Government Bairns’ Hoose Cross-Portfolio Assurance Group and Project Team
The Bairns’ Hoose Cross-Portfolio Assurance Group provides oversight with input from Education, Justice, Health and professional experts.
The Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder Project Team report to the Cross-Portfolio Assurance Group. The team includes representatives from the health, justice, and children and families policy areas, quality improvement, analysts, project management, fund management and professional advisors.
The Pathfinders and Affiliate Partnerships
The Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping The Promise launched the Pathfinder Phase for Bairns’ Hoose on 24 October 2023 with the announcement of six Pathfinder Partnerships, marking a significant milestone for the development of Bairns’ Hoose in Scotland. The selected Pathfinder partnerships are Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Fife; North Strathclyde; Outer Hebrides and Tayside. This is an important step for Bairns’ Hoose in Scotland and we look forward to working collaboratively with the Pathfinders to provide coordinated comprehensive support for children and young people in the justice system.
The applications we received were impressive in strength, quality and number. The selection process focused on targeting support where there was most potential learning for developing a model for a national context. Given the finite resource available, some applications, although in many ways strong, could not be selected as Pathfinder Partnerships. Affiliate status was therefore offered to partnerships that were not selected as a Pathfinder, to maintain momentum for the delivery of Bairns’ Hoose. Affiliate Partnerships are Ayrshire; Dumfries and Galloway; Highland and Sycamore Partnership (Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian). Affiliate partnerships will be offered lighter touch project support to develop their work towards implementing the Bairns’ Hoose model in their area, as well as access to funding support.
Further information on Pathfinder and Affiliate partnerships, including an update on funding, may be found here: “Bairns’ Hoose Pathfinder Phase and Update on Funding”.